Conrad SBM 6.0 delivered to Backx NV

We are proud to announce the delivery of the SBM 6.0 to Backx NV, experts in well drilling, ground energy, and dewatering since 1980. Based in Sint-Lenaarts, Belgium, Backx NV is renowned for its expert project execution across Flanders and South Netherlands.

The SBM 6.0, mounted on a ZAXIS ZX135 excavator provided by Firma Luyckx nv/sa, features a 6-meter stroke. What makes this SBM 6.0 unique is the Conrad Remote, enabling the entire machine to be controlled via radio, offering greater oversight during the drilling process.

We extend our gratitude to Backx NV for their trust in Conrad Stanen and wish them many successful and productive drilling meters with the SBM 6.0.

Conrad Stanen
Conrad Stanen

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